Thursday, 19 April 2012

My Battle with Obesity: One Vibrant, Vivacious Woman's Struggle

As a beautiful woman with a hectic schedule, I often don’t eat as well as I could or exercise as much as I should. At a modelesque 5’10” I once weighed (OMG this is so embarrassing. LADIES!!!) 95lbs. I was huge. I remember seeing my scales and freaking out thinking, “you fat bitch, soon you’re going to be 100lbs and then you’ll look like all those fat hos who can’t get men but tell everyone they don’t need a man in their life but nobody believes them because they’re clearly lonely and you can tell that their lives are empty and meaningless omg Mandy you bitch you fat dumpy bitch”.

Ladies, it was an overreaction.

Overreaction isn’t even a river in Egypt.

So to all my chunky chicas, larger ladies and obese land whales, I have some makeup tips just for you so you can camouflage those extra pounds and fool any man into thinking you’re worthy of love.

Wear lipstick on your teeth. If he’s looking at your teeth, he ain’t looking at your gut.

Use eye liner to draw suggestive cartoons on your forehead, such as a pair of breasts or, perhaps, draw a more attractive face on your face.

Suggestively dollop moisturiser at the corners of your mouth; get him thinking what you’ve been using those lips for. LADIES!

If you follow these three simple tips, maybe you could nab a man like my Greg! (Realistically though, you probably won’t as I’m most likely far more attractive than you).
Have an extra cheesecake for me ladies! Us sexually active gals are on diets!

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